The UFE Is Now 13-Years-Old & Still Pitching In

June 14, 2018. The 2018-21 CBA is Ratified by the UFE! The UFE membership and the Board of Trustees (BOT) ratified the 2018-2021 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Under the UFE bylaws, agreements are ratified by a majority of those members voting. To see the voting results, click here.


June 8, 2018. Greetings UFE Members.  We have a Tentative Agreement!  The digest (summary) outlining the major changes to the CBA, as well as the full CBA can be found at:

We sent out an email Thursday as a written notice of the ratification meeting. In accordance with our UFE bylaws, “A seventy-two (72) hour written notice of the ratification meeting is required. The notice shall specify the date, time, place and purpose of the meeting.”

NOTICE: UFE Ratification Meeting; 4:30-5:30 Monday June 11; Location COM 308.

Please note that the COM building doors close at 5pm during eval week.

The purpose of the meeting is to present the Tentative Agreement to the membership for discussion and review in advance of the ratification vote. We realize this is a very difficult time to carve out time for this discussion. We concluded bargaining at noon today and both the UFE and TESC Administration are committed to getting this bargain wrapped up before the end of the quarter.

UFE voting for ratification will take place after the ratification meeting: Monday after 5:30, Tuesday June 12, Wednesday June 13 (stay tuned for further information about voting procedures). The Board of Trustees will consider and vote on ratification at their meeting on Thursday.
